Random Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sad Day For Severance, CO

R.I.P. Bruce's Bar

Bruce's Bar began offering Rocky Mountain Oysters in the late 1950s. Back then, Ruth told patrons they came from the nearby Poudre River. However, the bar's famed appetizer wasn't shellfish at all. Instead, the "oysters" were breaded and deep-fried bull testicles purchased from local meatpacking plants. Also known as cowboy caviar, mountain tendergroins, prairie oysters and swinging beef, these delicacies are considered by some to be an aphrodisiac. To others, they're merely a tasty treat or a gastronomical adventure. Tourists from all over the world -- including Julia Roberts, John Elway, John Wayne, Rob Zombie and President George W. Bush -- came to Bruce's Bar to taste these western tidbits. Rocky Mountain Oysters became so popular that Ruth had to take out contracts with cattle ranchers in New Zealand and Costa Rica to produce the two tons of appetizers he sold on a monthly basis.
***All C.S.U. students put this at the top of their list as a must visit bar. I am so sorry to see an "old school" restaurant of this caliber close. I don't know where you can find these tasty treats anymore. I do remember that it was mandatory to follow this morsel with a beer. Trust me, I know.

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