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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love Advice from 1 Hot Lady

Sandra Bullock's Lessons In LovePhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
1) Strike a Balance: "You know how you see sweet relationships not work because of time spent apart?" says Bullock. "Going for more than 5 days without seeing Jesse is hard. People are so good at attending to their jobs, their plants, their pets. Why is it that when it comes to a relationship, we just sort of go 'Oh, it's here, it should just work.' It doesn't! I want to be as cognizant of nurturing this as I am diligent about the house restorations or the restaurant or my films.

2) Indulge Your Partner: Not long ago, her husband took her for a ride on his 525 horsepower Suzuki. "I almost peeled off," says the actress, who was screaming--only James couldn't hear her. But she'd never dream of denying him his passion. "If you love it, you don't let go of it."

3) Men Vs. Women: Bullock loves those studies that point up the differences between the sexes. "What everyone wants is the same, but the way of getting there is so different. Never assume anything. Always ask questionsa. Always ask questions. Ask until you understand. If something's wrong, I try to get it out right then and there. I don't want it to taint the rest of the day."

Source: InStyle

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