Britney, Girl, What Are You Thinking?
Tacky Hat-CheckEven Tackier Wig-CheckOutrageous Outfit-CheckFishnet Stockings WITH Holes-CheckBrown Boots-Check
Oh & BTW, Britney had a date with Howie Daty.
This is the guy she was rumored to have
been romping in the bushes with at re-hab!
Check out Howie Day's Law Problems:
2004 -- Arrested for locking a woman in the bathroom
on a tour bus after she refused his sexual advances
2004 -- Arrested for breaking woman's cell phone
2005 -- Arrested for "interfering with a flight crew"
(translation: verbally abusing crew and kicking passengers' seats)
2006 -- Attended court-mandated alcohol counseling program
Looks like our Britney has picked another winner.