Random Blog

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Funny Little Story I Ran Across

The entire audience at the 8:15 PM showing of Blades of Glory at the Loews on 34 Street in NYC had an altercation with sweet-little-Ukranian-orphan-turned-long island-ice-tea-swilling skank.

"My friend and I arrived quite a bit early to the theater, before Oksana's posse showed up. 15 minutes before the movie, about 10 drunk-ass people show up, make a big scene while getting their seats (right next to ours, obviously), then start taking pictures of each other. They're cheering and clapping and generally being obnoxious. It doesn't stop when the previews start. Now, I was really trying to give my full attention to the Hot Fuzz trailer, so I politely asked the girl sitting to my left to stop talking. She looked at her friend, who I then noticed was Oksana, ignored me, and started talking louder. This continues on and on, even through the actual start of the movie. Then my friend turns to them, to AGAIN, tell these girls to shut the fuck up. Oksana's friend, directly to my left, says loudly, "In case you haven't noticed, you're sitting next to Oksana Baiul, and she is IN this movie. So we're going to have a GOOD time." Oksana is laughing and shushing her. No one is impressed, but Oksana and friends continue to act like they own the place. Now, I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying that Oksana is NOT actually IN the movie, as she must have told her ridiculous friends. When her name is finally mentioned, her whole posse goes batshit, screaming and clapping. Friend next to me starts screaming, "OH MY GOD, you guys! She's IN the theater! Oksana's here!" and cackling. Someone in the back spoke for us all, when she yelled, "WHO CARES??"

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